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Are you returning (or even new) to Neopets? Check out this guide! V2

Are you returning (or even new) to Neopets and have no idea what's going on? Well come right over to for a huge read on how to earn Neopoints, creating goals, account safety tips, and more! A lot has changed, but a lot remains the same for our dear website!
Note: This guide is primarily going to be directed at Non-Premium players, so information about Premium will only be touched on lightly.
If there’s any clarification needed, feel free to PM, or ask on the subreddit / Discord! Shout out to aredshroom for letting me make a c/p'd update lol and also other friends to help read over. o/
Last Updated: 1/11/21

First: The Important Things

Getting back on your feet: Earning NPs

  • One of the most common questions on the sub is about making NP. With the inflation/fluctuation of prices, and daunting price figures (like the Secret Lab Map), this can seem hard. There are plenty of ways you’ll be earning, saving, and spending. Also here are the fun results from an old Strawpoll of how NeoRedditors earn Neopoints.
  1. Dailies, of course! Here are a couple listings from TDN's Dailies Page, JN's Custom Dailies, and also good old /~Neo____Zafara!
  2. Trudy's Surprise! It's a relatively new daily that gives you free NP. The amount increases until the 25th day, where any spin will net you 100k even if you don’t hit 3-in-a-row.
  3. Ghoul Catchers is a Neo-mobile app where you can earn 50k a day just by playing the 1st/2nd level 50x a day. Here's JN's Guide and Petpage Guide! The app has been removed from the app store, but you can still play the game through an APK. Security FAQs on using an APK and the APK Download.
  4. Battledome (BD). I'll be mentioning the more relevant guides. JN IDB's Beginner's Guide to Battledome + /~SilverCyanide4, Faerie Ability guide, 1-Player Equipment Guide, STDEF Boost Table, and JN's BD Damage Calculator are useful links.
The reason to participate in the BD is that it gives you goodies like Tan/Red Codestones, Neocola Tokens, Armoured Neggs, and even Nerkmids (if premium) that you can sell for profit. Each time you beat an opponent, you’ll obtain something from the General pool, Dome pool, or Opponent pool until you hit the limit of 1500 NP + 15 items daily. Here’s a breakdown.
The General pool includes Tan/Red Codestones. The recommended starter opponent is the Kreludan Defender, who has an easy starting HP of 14, and drops relatively good items from his Dome + Opponent pool (Neocola tokens, Armoured Neggs, Genius Neggs). The other challenger that beginners frequent is the Chia Clown, who may drop Chocolate Ice Cream.
JN's Battlepedia has a listing of difficulty-specific prizes. With regards to the rate of certain Battledome drops, there is no correlation to difficulty aside from different item pools.
  • Play easy 3k games. 3k is the maximum you earn from each Flash Game except during special occasions (such as the week of Neopets' birthday). Check out /~fishyheart for easy quick to play games. Also, /~ChaChaFrancesca tracks NP ratios for on-site games, and /~AnnEstelle provides for mirrored games. Read the disclaimer on the mirrored game petpage (do not play the same game twice in one day)!
  • Do basic jobs at the Faerieland Employment Agency. You'll have to be fast to get profitable ones, but it's such a fast way to earn spare cash. Max limit is 5 jobs a day. I would check out JN's article and our own guide here!
  • Play Food Club. Lefty (/~Innocent) has a good rundown on what it's about. There’s a daily FC thread on this subreddit where you can follow experienced bettors as you start out.
The only tip is to bet consistently - you may lose quite a bit, but in the long run it definitely pays out – and with older accounts, you can earn a LOT when you win since you can bet more.
  • Stock Market is another thing players like investing in. It's recommended that you buy the cheapest stocks (15 NP). You should bookmark this page, so you can easily see which stocks are at 15 NP currently. You can buy a maximum of 1000 stocks a day, which equates to a 15k investment daily.
Keep in mind it's a long-term investment. Most people sell at 60 (+300% profit), but some hold for higher (100+). Neostocks is an informative Stock Market tracking site to see trending stocks and provides alerts if desired.
  • Try Restocking! Restocking means hanging around in official Neopets shops and playing the waiting game in order to quickly buy profitable items at a lower price, so you can later resell them to players at a higher price. There are restrictions on what items you can see based on your account age, but you can still restock Faerie Quest items, Faerie Employment Items, and other consumables (books, food, etc.) if your account is younger.
Newbie r79 items and below
10 days old r84 items and below
16 days old r89 items and below
1 month old r94 items and below
3+ months old No restrictions
For a more visual guide, here's a reference guide at /~Sanskrits and JN's Shop Directory is great to start learning which items are good!

Creating NeoGoals

  • Browse around on Neocolours! Once you figure out the species/colour combinations you want for your pets, there are plenty of ways to get them. You can paint, morph, or adopt! Sometimes, we get lucky users here who run Faerie Fountain giveaways as well.
Tip: Always check if a particular Morphing Potion is cheaper than Paint Brushes. It can save you a lot of NP.
  • Maybe obtain a Secret Lab Map to try for a lab-exclusive colour, or perhaps to zap pound pets into interesting colours to help them get adopted out, or just for the sheer thrill of zapping?
  • Collecting Avatars! /~Avatiers has a really good visual list. Build up your stats first, and you could drop by the Avatar NeoBoards to (politely) ask for lends. JN's Avatar Checklist provides code for you to put on a petpage, so lenders can easily check what you're missing.
  • Aspiring for the best Gallery? There are a lot of items to catch up on. JN has a fantastic Item Database where you can search for items!
  • Customisation? You’ll love Dress to Impress if you haven’t checked them out already.
  • Want to spruce up your userlookup with game trophies? Here's an awesome score tracker so you know what's a reasonable score needed for Bronze/SilveGold. Just click on the graphs in the rightmost column to view the score requirements for a trophy over the past few months.
  • Perhaps you just enjoy coding and beautifying your Lookups, Petpages, and more? What about a Neo Portfolio? There are plenty of premade artists around, but I’ll let you roam since there are really too many styles and pages to list. Feel free to ask around though!
  • This is a non-exhaustive list, of course. Make up your own goals and have fun!

Account Recovery

Here’s an updated FAQ at /~Wispalings on what to do if you think you are frozen, and /~Sarika_ambrielle has all the details of what you should keep track of if you need to send in a recovery ticket. It's a good idea to backup your info in case you ever have to prove that an account belongs to you.
We have a revamped Lost Account Guide, to add to those petpages mentioned above!
The TL;DR for account recovery:
  • Check that your account still exists! Your account may have been purged if it’s been inactive for years. Go here:, replace USERNAME with your own. If it is indeed purged, you most likely will need to start on a new account.
  • Once you’ve verified that the account still exists, it’s all about figuring out details to prove that your account is yours, like your birthdate, linked email (and/or pass emails), NC/Premium purchase history, etc. Here's a NeoBoard post explaining what they want really.
  • The Ticket System is now located at their support address: [email protected].
  • General tips for getting a ticket response: Always be truthful and respectful. Give as much useful info about your situation/account as you're able, post on the "Highway to Help" thread located in the Help NeoBoard. Keep your ticket updated once per week to show TNT you're an active user waiting. Please read the following petpage, /~Kaizsa, before posting on the "Highway to Help" thread.

Basic Security

  • Go to your Account Preferences. Block everything you don't want, ALWAYS check the birthday login prompt, and I'd recommend Plain Text Neomail. That makes it so any scripts sent through NM won't run.
  • Similarly for your PIN Preferences. Set a PIN on ALL accounts (main/sides should all be pinned), preferably different/regularly changed, and keep no exceptions on where a PIN is used. Check all the boxes.


  • Why is everything broken? I can't even see the map.
Have you enabled Flash for your browser? Here's a JN article on how to do so. You will probably need to reenable Flash every time you completely close out of your browser.
If it's not Flash related, then a long list of things can be found here.
  • Why aren't any of the games working?
Adblock is struggling on Neopets, and by struggling I mean racking up multiple thousands of blocked ads and lagging the site. Right at this moment, it's a good idea to go grab uBlock Origin (Chrome / Firefox) for whatever browser you're using and use that over Adblock right now.
I would also check out this thread on How to Run Flash Games on Chrome with Adblock.
  • How do I leave Neopets Beta?
If, for whatever reason, you no longer want to be looking at the beta version of any of the pages we've previously discussed, simply click on the "View Classic Site" button in the profile menu to return to the site as all non-beta viewers see it. To get back into the beta view, click the "View Beta" link that's now on the right side of the "Logout" button for you. Do know that once the transition begins, you will not be able to return to Neopets Classic.
tl;dr: Click your pet in the top left corner, there should be a switch button. The Beta Mode will be permanent for everyone soon though.
No, TNT has announced that they are working on converting their Flash works to HTML5. On December 16th, 2020, TNT released an End of Flash Update video detailing their progress.
  • Is Premium worth it?
That is up to you to decide and how active you are going to be on this site to make the most out of it. There are incentives such as Super Shop Wizard (SSW), if you are a prominent restocker, Species Change Perk (once every 365 days upon first use) that allows you to obtain nearly every converted colored species (no Draiks and Krawks) including the rare Ice Bori, and more. Check out JN's Guide on that.
That's it! If you've read all this way, thank you for your time. I hope this helps some players. ^ ^
submitted by Fruit_Loopita to neopets [link] [comments]

I'm 32 years old, working as a Product Manager / Instructor in Toronto and making ~$78,000 (CAD)

This is an update of my MD from last year, which you can find here. All figures are in CAD. (Approx. CAD/USD conversion is 1 CAD = 0.75 USD. So my income is ~$58,240 USD. I've tried to note the change since last time where I could!
Section One: Assets and Debt
Section Two: Income
Section Three: Expenses

Day 1 - Thursday ($42)

9am - Slept in! I have today and tomorrow off (using up some PTO) and am glad for the extra rest, but the construction work around my apartment building kicks off at 9:01 on the dot, waking me up. I browse the internet before showering and getting the day started.
11am - I have a massage appointment so I mask up and walk over. It’s a sunny fall morning, so an enjoyable walk. I’ve been in a lot of pain the last while after an unexpected hospital stay and medical procedures so I’m really looking forward to some relief now that I’m cleared to have this massage! ($30 tip for my RMT, insurance covers the actual bill.) I was nervous about COVID safety but this is a small clinic and they’re taking it really seriously (face shields and masks for all!), and it’s nice to have a massage - it’s the first “non-invasive, non-medical” human touch I’ll have since March, since I live by myself and have been strict about distancing. I have to say, it feels incredibly weird to be naked except a mask. Like being naked with a watch on.
12:45pm - I feel so much better! I walk a long route home to enjoy the sunshine and stop at a bakery and pick up some pumpkin, apple, and caramel scones ($12 for three, incl tip), since they have a little doorway table for service. Most cafes in the neighbourhood have restored indoor seating and I feel weird about going inside past unmasked diners. Once I get back home I have a scone, spend a couple of hours answering students’ questions for my teaching job, and wash some dishes in the kitchen. The afternoon sort of disappears into that, plus some random internet browsing/YouTube sewing tutorials.
6pm - Therapy call (prepaid - I use BetterHelp and pay quarterly - I’m due to pay in 2 weeks). I am so grateful to be back in therapy. Isolation has been hard on me, and my medical situation really left me raw. It’s scary to have a totally normal day and end it in an ambulance unexpectedly, and I’m still unpacking my feelings about it.
7pm - I sodastream some water, add lavender syrup, and hop on Zoom for game night with some friends. We play Jackbox games together and snort-laugh the whole way through. This is a new group I was just starting to befriend IRL in the weeks before the pandemic. These weekly game nights have been so great to keep the momentum.
9pm - I dress my last tortilla as a pizza, bake it, and then dump the remainder of a box of arugula on top after it’s out of the oven and eat it over the sink like a crispy pizza taco. After eating I text a bit with a guy I met on reddit (henceforth RG - Reddit Guy - same guy from my last MD.) He sends me a video of his dog doing tricks, and we count down and hit play on the same TV episode. We’ve been doing this little nightly ritual since the start of the pandemic, and it’s a nice way to keep this long-distance whatever-this-is going. Things have stepped up from merely flirty to decidedly romantic in the last year, but with the US/Canadian border closed for the foreseeable future who knows where this is going or if we’ll ever get to meet.
11:30pm - I have a quick warm bath before bedtime and after making a nest from all my pillows, fall asleep to a “sleep story” from the Calm app. Some smooth-voiced man talking about an island in Norway takes me away.

Day 2 - Friday ($69)

8am - I wake up before my alarm, laze around in bed reading newsletters and reddit. I open my work email, file away all the automated messages I get from our software, and close it again. I usually check it once a day on vacation just to clear that shit as a gift to my future self.
9:30am - I shower while listening to a podcast and check my messages while brushing my teeth. A neighbourhood pal asks if I want to have a coffee in the park with her before it gets too cold for these outside meetups. I reply and we arrange a plan to meet up.
10:15am - My friend texts and says she’s going to stop at Starbucks on her way to the park - do I want her to grab me anything? I mobile order a caramel apple spice ($5 - I’m off caffeine - doctor’s orders) and tell her it should be there waiting when she gets there. I bring the two remaining scones from yesterday’s bakery trip for us. We hang out at the park for a few hours on our distanced blankets, chatting until our fingertips are thoroughly chilled. Like a lot of my friends, the pandemic has had her and her partner seeking cheaper, more spacious dwellings out of the city. They’re moving in a few months. This is the fourth such announcement I’ve had this fall, so I’m better at being excited for them and asking questions all about their new digs rather than being openly bummed. But inside I’m a little gutted. It’s hard to watch my people move away!
12:30pm: I took the long route home from the park, then settle in with some mint tea and check on my students. I’m teaching online this semester and the course is “asynchronous” - meaning they move through interactive modules of written+video content at their own pace, so I post and reply frequently on the discussion boards, answer emails, and help them along. I have a chatty group this term - there’s a very active kdrama discussion thread in the “non-course related” board. I love when my online students still work at connecting with their classmates - I can’t imagine what it would be like trying to do fully online school and missing out on that in-person experience.
2pm - I whip up a quick chicken soup with some chicken and veggies from the freezer, some egg noodles and a bouillon cube and eat that before spending the afternoon cleaning up - vacuuming, laundry, and online browsing for some sewing supplies. I spend $64 on some additional fabric and bias tape I keep forgetting to buy to finish some projects. I can’t wait to go to fabric stores in person again someday. While waiting for my stuff to finish in the dryer, I do a short Yoga with Adriene video.
7:30pm - After dinner, a friend calls to complain about her boyfriend and we chat for awhile while I organize my craft supplies into bins I picked up at the dollar store last weekend. He’s been a grade-A dingus since the beginning of the pandemic, and just told her one of his roommates tested positive for COVID - on Monday. He stayed with her Tuesday and Wednesday and “forgot to mention it”. DUDE. C’mon! I tell her if she needs anything dropped off at her place - groceries, drugstore stuff, emergency ice cream or baked goods - just call.
10pm - I make some popcorn and queue up Kim’s Convenience with RG, we chitchat about the day and plans for the weekend. After a few episodes I crawl into bed while he tells me all about a COVID-safe date we could go on if we weren’t separated by a few hundred kilometres. It’s a nice daydream.

Day 3 - Saturday ($0)

~1am - My downstairs neighbours are suddenly blasting music so loud my bedframe is vibrating. At 1am. Shoot me. By 1:45 I’m over it and go downstairs to knock on their door. I bang on their door a few times, no answer. One of the other tenants down the hall comes out, we commiserate over the noise. He bangs on the door too, but the music blasts on. We shrug at eachother and go back to our apartments.
~2am - I’m losing my mind at the noise, which seems to be coming from directly under my bedroom. Assuming they maybe have the bedroom door closed and couldn’t hear the knocking, I go to the living room and grab my set of weights and start dropping them on the bedroom floor over and over again like a maniac hoping to catch their attention. It works though - after a few minutes the music is off. Sweet silence!
8:45am - I wake up, roll over, and doze a bit more before getting up to take my medication and instead of staying up, I crawl back in. I chat with RG a bit and send a check-in text to my friend with the crummy boyfriend.
10:45am - I finally get out of bed (I love laying around. If I’m going to be single with no responsibilities I am going to bask in every moment of it) and I eat leftover roasted cauliflower from last night’s dinner for breakfast. Afterwards I clean the bathroom, put away my laundry from yesterday, and log on to my online class to check in on my students and reply to their posts, and review the material that’s going up next week.
4pm - After the day spent with chores I finish putting together a meal plan for the week and grocery order for delivery tomorrow. I actually love grocery shopping in person, but with the uptick in cases recently I’m less interested in going. Afterwards I check my online class forums again (there’s an assignment due tonight so I want to watch for questions) and then go for a short walk around my neighbourhood. It’s nice to get out a bit and see the leaves changing.
6pm - I make a chickpea and lentil curry in my Instant Pot, adding an assortment of random veggies from my freezer, while RG shoots me a text about starting our “together time” a bit early tonight so we can watch Hamilton together. I agree, and after dinner work on some sewing.
9:30pm - Almost completely finished sewing a shirt - I’ll finish the hem another day and the neckline when the bias tape I ordered shows up. I put everything away and I eat some arrowroot crackers with nutella while watching Hamilton with RG. I’ve already seen it a few times but I love it. Midway through I exchange a few emails with a student who is rapidly approaching the midnight assignment deadline and just can’t get her code working. I can tell right away she’s made a teeny tiny typo that’s had a domino effect on her whole assignment. I point her in the right direction, she fixes it, and ends the night happy.
12am - Curling up in bed. I put on another Calm app story and fall asleep.

Day 4 - Sunday ($127)

7:30am - Trying to reacquaint myself with my alarm after a few days off. I roll over and doze a little until 8, then get up, take my meds, and hop in the shower.
9:45am - One of my American friends calls to chat. She was invited to a wedding and doesn’t want to go because the groom’s family are anti-mask QAnon types and she won’t feel safe there. We brainstorm about what kind of gift is appropriate as an in-absentia “Sorry you married into a family of nutjobs” gift.
10:30am - I wash the dishes from last night, then make a sandwich with hummus and sliced veggies and sit down to eat it while I download my students’ assignments for the week and reply to a few more discussion posts. I’ll get to grading later this afternoon.
1pm - Time vanished into a bunch of little tasks and a wormhole of researching possible holiday gifts for family members.I text with my brother’s girlfriend to get a sense of their whereabouts this week - I’m trying to get a birthday treat delivered to his apartment. She confirms a date and I place the order for some safe-to-eat-raw cookie dough in fun flavours ($37). I’m secretly jealous that this place isn’t local to me because it sounds delicious.
2pm - I sodastream some water, add lime juice, and heat up some leftover curry from last night and settle in to start grading assignments with some music.
4pm - My mom calls to talk about Thanksgiving (next weekend here in Canada). They really want me to come, but with cases rising in the province I don’t know how safe it is and I have a lot of guilt about bringing my city cooties to them in a rural area. They haven’t been that cautious - she talks at length about going to a party the night before. By the end of the call I’m frustrated and undecided. It’s pretty clear if I opt not to go I’ll be the “bad guy”, the daughter who abandoned everyone to move to the city and thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. But I have a lot of anxiety around it.
5:30pm - My grocery delivery arrives ($90, including a tip for the delivery person). I put everything away and eat a few pieces of dried pineapple and mango before getting back to marking.
7:30pm - I cook some salmon and roasted veggies and, while eating, text with a friend about my Thanksgiving dilemma. She’s in a similar boat with her parents, we weigh the pros and cons together but neither of us end up deciding anything.
10pm - I watch an episode of Kim’s Convenience with RG before he goes to bed (he has an early morning tomorrow) and afterwards do a Yoga with Adriene video, poke around on Reddit, and go to bed myself around 11.

Day 5 - Monday ($9)

7:15am - Alarm goes off. I wake up, but mostly scroll Reddit until 8. I desperately miss working from an office with other people and better chairs, but if WFH ever ends I will miss getting to stay in bed as long as humanly possible.
8am - Shower, moisturize and put on some lipstain - that’s the extent of my morning routine these days. I get dressed (I’ve been wearing the same threadbare jeans almost all quarantine. They’re so comfortable, but hideous). I make some tea and oatmeal and move over to my desk.
8:45am - I check my credit card statement online while eating. A return I’ve been waiting on is finally processed (+$41.28) - returns by mail are so slow - I put the parcel in over a month ago. I check my class boards too - no new posts to reply to.
9am - Log into work and post my “hello” message in our staff chat. We have a “Hellos and Goodbyes” room to keep track of people’s comings and goings throughout the day. Our CEO pings me and asks how my time off was. He’s been very attentive since my hospitalization and has been checking in about my workload, how I’m feeling. It’s nice to fee seen.
10am - One on one with my junior PM. We chat on Zoom re: what’s on the docket for our projects this month, and I take her temperature a bit re: work/life balance, how she’s managing our extended work from home and the pandemic. She has a lot of vacation days left and I encourage her to use them even if she’s not planning to go away - mental health and rest is important!
11am - One on one with my manager. She calls via phone since her teenage daughter is doing school on Zoom and their internet is overtaxed. She runs through what I missed last week and updates me on a new project I’ll be taking over from her later this month. I’m currently responsible for ⅗ of our major software projects and this will bring me up to ⅘. (Don’t think I won’t make a big deal about that when it comes time for our next reviews.)
11:45am - Answer a customer support email from someone struggling to use the site. After a bit of back and forth I discover it’s because they’re using a decade-old version of Internet Explorer. I hop on the phone, walk them through upgrading to Edge, and they’re a happy camper. We don’t have customer support at our org - the PMs and Junior PMs manage support for their projects. Some days I hate it, but most of the time it’s satisfying to tackle a small and solvable problem amidst the bigger-picture work.
1pm: Team meeting with my software team. We usually do these in the morning but one of the devs had to take his kid for a COVID test since he’s a bit sniffly - schools here are pretty strict. It’s a short meeting, just getting a sense of how everyone’s moving through the current open projects, and then a show-and-tell of pets, since the aforementioned sniffly kid joined at the end. I do not have any pets and am as delighted by them as the kid.
1:20pm: Lunchtime! I heat up some leftover curry and chat a bit with RG, who’s checking in about my stress level. Since my hospital stay he’s been worried about me pushing too hard and not giving myself time to heal. We talk about our mornings and he tells me he added some new songs he thinks I’ll like to a shared Spotify playlist, so I know what I’ll be listening to this afternoon.
2pm: I spend the afternoon working on spec writing for upcoming development projects while my developers investigate a bug a customer reported over lunch.
5:10pm - I set an alarm on my phone to go off when it’s time to log off for the day. I change into some pants with more structural integrity, mask and jacket up, and go for a walk.
5:45pm: While I’m at the pharmacy picking up my prescription, the pharmacist mentions they have flu shots in, so I get one while I’m there. ($8 for my prescriptions, $1 for the impulse coffee crisp bar, $0 for the peace of mind of being flu-free even if I barely leave my house). While I’m walking home, RG calls from his commute to ask what I’m going to do about Thanksgiving. He thinks I should go - it’s generally safe in my parents’ area (less than 30 active cases in the county), and he gently suggests that the fall is probably going to be pretty hard on me emotionally and it might be a good idea to take the opportunity to go away while it’s relatively safe. I keep thinking it over.
6pm - Cook some chicken and roasted veggies for dinner, and after eating, set up my sewing stuff to finish up that shirt hem and start cutting pattern pieces for another project, a robe, while listening to podcasts.
10pm - I set up my iPad on a stool next to my bathtub and watch Kim’s Convenience with RG on chat while soaking in the warm, bubbly water and drinking some chamomile tea, and eventually dry off and head to bed around 11:30.

Day 6 - Tuesday ($0)

8am - Did I snooze my alarm for an hour? You bet. I just couldn’t stay asleep last night. When I finally wake up, RG has left a little video message for me, which I watch, and then watch again, and then start getting ready for the day. I braided my hair before bed so I have those great post-braid waves today.
8:55am - At my desk, logged in and ready to go with some oatmeal. I drop a note in the staff Hellos and Goodbyes and peek at my class discussion board before picking up where I left off yesterday.
10am - Client call. This client is hoping to do something a little “off label” with our tools. We chat a bit about what they’re hoping to accomplish and what their goals are, and I answer a few data questions for them.
10:30am - Team meeting! We spend some time puzzling through my client’s “off label” ideas, do some digging on another client’s data issue, and then spend a little time watching a funny news blooper one of the devs screenshares and joking around. I don't mind a little fun in our meetings!
11am - Biweekly all-staff meeting. Our CEO gives a little roundup of how things are going big-picture, and then one by one each of my colleagues gives a brief update of what they’re working on. Many pets and children make appearances - as a group the general vibe with interruptions on zooms is “delight”, which I appreciate. Nobody’s trying to “keep up appearances”. It’s all a mess we’re in together.
12:20pm - Lunchtime. Check COVID case counts again for my parents’ area (still undecided) while chatting with a friend about her thanksgiving plans. She and her husband have been isolating at a family cabin since early summer, when their city apartment building started renovating. They’re planning a “so bad it’s good” movie marathon, so while I eat leftover curry we chat about our favourite bad-good movies.
1:25pm- Reacquainting myself with some material for my 2pm meeting. I’m on an HR Committee at work and we’re meeting to check in on our work/life and wellness strategies as we head into another WFH quarter. The transition to remote has gone (mostly) well for our company, but there’s always room to improve!
3pm - After the HR meeting I put together a custom report request for our database team to run for me, and then pull up our team’s roadmap for the fiscal year and make some tweaks. I share developers with other teams and I know a big project has dropped in for them elsewhere, so I adjust. We’re already close to hitting our metrics for the year so I’m happy to let the other teams keep my devs busy for awhile while I prep and spec some larger feature builds for them.
4pm - My friend with the dingus boyfriend texts. Luckily, both she and her boyfriend tested negative, but since he lives with someone who’s sick, they’ll both need to test again in a few days. She talks about wanting to break up with him. I encourage her to take her time thinking about it. I think they should break up - he’s a dope. But she’s the one in the relationship - not my call!
5:15pm - I log off for a bit. I’m feeling a bit drained today. I didn’t sleep well last night and I know my indecision about Thanksgiving is weighing on me. I do a yoga video and lay on the floor crying afterward. It happens, part of that good ol’ depression life. Sometimes you just need a lil cry. I’ve been really emotionally overwhelmed since my hospitalization, and some close friends have really broken my trust recently. I’m working on it with my therapist, but sometimes you’re just fresh outta emotional juice, and while I love my family, we’re not close - time with them would be nice, but it’s not restorative.
7:10pm - Alright alright. Time to rally. I log on to my online portal and reply to my students’ board posts and questions. They seem like they’re doing a good job grasping the material, which makes me happy. I never wanted to be a teacher but it makes me feel so satisfied when I can see their progress. It cheers me up a little.
8:45pm - Time got away from me doing that work. I throw some fish and veggies into the oven and call my parents. I tell them I'm still undecided about Thanksgiving, Mom complains that I'm taking things too seriously, I text her the graph of cases again. She tells me I can make a day-before decision if I want to, that they'll isolate the rest of the week, for real, but she just needs to know by Friday around noon if I want to be picked up. I appreciate the extra time to consider things. Then Mom asks me to place a grocery click-and-collect order for her (she's not good at internet). I say I will, and she proceeds to slowly text me a grocery list one item at a time for the next hour. LOL. Moms.
10:15pm - I drink some sparkling water while watching Kim’s Convenience with RG on chat. After one episode I’m wiped, so I go to wash up. By the time I’m getting into bed, RG has left me a video message - the first half is his dog adorably snoring. The second half is just him telling me everything’s going to be OK and apologizing that he can’t be here to do our own Thanksgiving. Cry again - happier tears this time.

Day 7 - Wednesday ($0)

8:20am - Cutting it close today, wakeup-wise. It took me forever to fall asleep last night so I snooze a lot today, but when I finally get up, RG’s left me another voice memo encouraging me to get up and kick this day’s ass. I’ll try! I have a quick shower, mist my hair to refresh the curl a little, and get dressed.
9am - Log on and say hi to the team, then help the marketing team with some content for our monthly newsletter. Once that’s done, I make a smoothie with frozen mango and dragonfruit, then head back to my desk to load some data into our internal dashboards for our CEO’s reports later this week. Once it’s loaded, he DMs me and we chat a bit about the comparison year over year, possible insights, nerd out about graphs a bit.
10:30am - Team meeting. Alongside the usual updates I’ve added extra time to discuss some upcoming features and the specs I have in progress. I don’t love speccing something without involving them - they feel a lot more ownership when they’ve had a chance to be involved in the process. They get really excited about the new build and ask if I can reassign them to this instead of the other project they’re pinch hitting on now. Nice try!
12:15pm - Lunchtime! Some colleagues and I hop into Netflix Party to watch an episode of Queer Eye together. When we were in the office we used to have occasional TV lunch parties so we’ve been trying to mimic that in our new WFH life. I eat the last of my leftover curry while our Netflix Party chat goes OFF in full home-porn-drool at the reveal of Bobby’s house makeover.
1pm - Back to work, more data audits for our research team.
2pm - Internal meeting with another colleague about a section of her project I’m pitch-hitting on - super productive. She runs a tight meeting and I really admire her. After the meeting I write specs for the rest of the day based on the meeting this morning. I put on some old episodes of Reply All and get stuck in.
5:15pm - Head out for a short walk around the neighbourhood to get some air and outside time, talk a bit with RG while he’s on his commute. Once I’m back home, I do some tidying up.
6pm - Therapy call, I talk a bit about my Thanksgiving dilemma but we move on to other topics too. Feeling a bit better than yesterday, but a little rough around the edges. These are the kinds of days where I tend to feel tempted to order in, and while I scroll UberEats, nothing really looks that good, so I close the app and decide to just cook what I’d planned.
7pm - Make dinner, chicken and roasted veggies again. What can I say, I’ll party down on garlicky roasted broccoli any day of the week. I wash dishes when I’m done eating.
8pm - Pop online to check out my students’ posts for the day and reply to some emails. I briefly scroll through stuff on the IKEA website. I’ve been hoping to get some inserts for my Kallax unit, but the ones I want aren’t in stock, still.
9pm - Shower and wash my hair. I get out a shower scrub from Lush and really go to town, I do the Aztec Secret clay mask too. Why not!
9:45pm - Post up on the couch with some sparkling water, ready for TV time with RG. We watch the last two episodes of Kim’s Convenience and chat a bit before bed about what to watch next - we have a lot of good options, but decide to just see what we’re in the mood for tomorrow.
Weekly Total: $247
Reflections: I keep an MD 365 days a year so I can tell by comparison this is on the lower end of an average range for this year so far - I usually get delivery at least once a week (sometimes twice), but I wasn’t feeling it this week! My average spend has really been ticking down the last couple of months. While the pandemic sucks and the isolation is rough (shoutout to my fellow live-aloners), I’m enjoying not spending as much, and that my spending is really heavily weighted toward things that contribute to my sense of well-being.
submitted by PracticalShine to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Betsafe Casino 200 Free Spins Bonus on Starburst (Register Now)

Betsafe Casino 200 Free Spins Bonus on Starburst (Register Now)

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Betsafe offers a wide range of first-class games from the best casino software developers including NetENT, Microgaming, WMS, NextGen, Play’n Go and many more. Betsafe offers players a safe and secure gaming experience and provides their product in an array of languages and currency options. Not only is Betsafe safe but the casino also provides the fastest pay-outs and newcomers are welcomed with a fabulous 100% welcome bonus.

Betsafe Casino History

Betsafe was launched in January 2006 and has since established itself as one of the most respected casinos online. The casino is known worldwide as one of the most trusted and reliable gaming companies on the market. Their players have a massive selection of gaming options to choose from and they boast with providing unique and exclusive support. Their site also has a unique design with a backdrop featuring the latest games. The casino has a black, white and red dominance of colours while there is the odd green every now and again to add a little spark. With all necessary information on display and insight players won’t help but feel right at home at Betsafe Casino.

Betsafe Casino Welcome Package

Players are quick to judge online casinos and one significant factor in the decision-making process is the generosity of the welcome package. Betsafe has been around for well over a decade and it’s one of the most recognisable brands in the casino industry, which means they have plenty of experience in exceeding player expectations and their welcome package does exactly that.
Players who sign-up to Betsafe for the first time are eligible for a welcome package consisting of a 100% deposit bonus of up to €50, combined with 20 bonus spins to sweeten the deal. This means that if you make a deposit of €50, Betsafe will throw in an additional €50, giving you a total of €100 to play with.
The minimum deposit amount to trigger the welcome bonus is €25 and the Bonus Spins are available on Coins of Egypt slot.
Keep in mind that every welcome package, bonus and promotion has a set of terms and conditions that must be respected in order to keep the promotion active, which is why we’re always adamant on having players go through them before accepting any offer. It’s also pertinent to note that any violations of the T&C’s will result in the forfeiture of the bonus funds.
For Canadian Players, the welcome offer consists of a 100% match up to $500. The minimum deposit is $15 and the bonus amount must be wagered 45 times within 14 days. Full terms and conditions apply.
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Do you want to play now Betsafe? Registering at Betsafe casino is very simple and takes a few minutes. Recommended for those who can't stand long and tedious casinos registration forms.
  1. Click on "VISIT" to redirect to Bersafe casino;
  2. In the registration screen enter your personal details;
  3. Keep your ID card next to you;
  4. Enter a valid email because you will need to confirm the account.


There is nothing better than visiting a casino and finding that they have a gigantic amount of games on offer. Players can pick and choose as they like from over 500 online slots, 19 Video Poker games, and 42 jackpot games.
The most popular games at the moment include Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, Blood Suckers and the exclusive Wolf Cub slot. Players will be happy to know that when it comes to table games the casino offers an extensive list of over 40 tablet games including 10 variants of Roulette, 17 variants of Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat and many others. Betsafe also has an exclusive Poker offering that can be found on their separate Poker page. The tables are open 24/7 and players can improve their strategy by going up against the best in the industry.


Betsafe is any players Live Casino dream with 32 Live Blackjack options, 16 Live Roulette options and other live casino games such as Baccarat and Live Casino Hold’Em. While experiencing the best live play action, interacting with dealers and challenging others players will score an exclusive €20 bonus with Live Roulette or Live Blackjack.


Players can participate in virtual sports betting games including Football, Tennis, Basketball, Horse Classics and Dog Racing. Other fun gaming activities to participate in include a variety of tournaments such as the Blood Suckers II Races, The Weekly Loyalty and New Arrivals Tournament.


When it comes to mobile casinos Betsafe is one of the best sites available. The casino has not one but two casino apps players can download directly to their mobile device. Their Betsafe app offering includes an extensive range of the best Sports, Casino, Live Casino, Poker and Virtual Sports games available in the industry.
Players looking for something a little more challenging can try out their Emperor app. The app is focused on the Premier League and the aim is to become the Emperor by using your skills and predicting what will happen next. You can play against your friends or other football fanatics to cash in on the prize pool on offer. The amount of the pool is mostly determined by the number of players participating in the tournament. Both apps are available to play on all Android and iPhone devices including tablets and iPads.
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One of the best reasons to play at Betsafe is that they state all winnings can be withdrawn immediately. They have a respected selection of deposit methods including Visa, MasterCard, Entropay, Skrill, Neteller, Trustly, Citadel and iDeal. Withdrawals can take anything from one to seven days.


The friendly team at Betsafe Casino will look after all your needs and answer all questions and queries promptly via Live Chat, Email or telephone line. For general questions players can visit the FAQ page that answers all the most common questions. The team is available all day, every day 365 days of the year.


All gameplay and communication are encrypted via SLL technologies to ensure the safety and privacy of client information. Betsafe is eCOGRA certified which means that all software goes through intensive audits to ensure its fairness and security. Betsafe believes in safe gambling which is why they provide players with the option of setting deposit limits, taking a self-assessment test and excluding themselves from gaming.

Betsafe Licence

The operator of Betsafe is BML Group Ltd, Maltese company registration number C-34836, having its registered address at 'Betsson Experience Centre', Ta' Xbiex Seafront, Ta' Xbiex, XBX 1027, Malta. BML Group Ltd is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority under licence MGA/CRP/108/2004 issued on 1st of August 2018. BML Group Ltd was initially licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority on 30th of March 2006.


Betsafe Casino is a giant in the industry, it has over 400,000 customers in over 100 countries and the list keeps growing. With excellent bonuses, top quality games and outstanding customer service, players are guaranteed the best in the business at Betsafe. What sets Betsafe apart from most other online casinos is that it offers a list of virtual sports games, sports games, in-play options and even two mobile apps. The name says it all and we believe this casino is 100% safe to bet and enjoy.
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

£220 in my first month. Thanks Beer Money!

Hi all! Longtime Beer Money lurker here.
After years of half-arseing it, I decided to put in some effort in January and earn something a little more than pocket change.
Thought I’d share my results…. Gotta say, I’m surprised how much extra sign-up offers, microworker sites and surveys can provide.
20Cogs - +£98.85 profit (so far)
Earn by: Signing up to various services and trials. Once you’ve completed 20 (takes around 30 days for all tasks to get confirmed), you can cash out to PayPal.
Many of these are trials that require an initial payment, deposit, postage etc., so you do have to tie up some of your own cash.
You need to keep track of the offers you sign up for too as they will auto renew and charge you full price once the trial ends. Also, some don’t track properly and it’s good to have a list of everything you’ve signed up for, especially when it requires payment.
Sure you could find most of the offers elsewhere, but 20Cogs does a good job of putting them together in an easy-to-use platform.
Easy money, just as long as you remember to cancel.
Ref | Non-ref
Football Index - +£70 profit
Earn by: Signing up to its stock exchange for football players and depositing £20. They will then top-up your account by £50. You can withdraw both your initial deposit and the bonus funds.
Lucked out here. I’d signed up for an account a few years back using a Groupon offer (believe it was pay £10 get £30). Technically never deposited, so I could also make use of the deposit £20 get £50.
Withdrawn £60 and still sitting on the other £40, so hopefully it clears okay.
Some claim FI refuse to pay out if you try to cash out too soon, so buy a staple player (Neymar, Mbappé, Messi, De Bruyne etc.) and give it a week. You might lose a few pennies, but better safe than sorry.
Ref | Non-ref
Microworkers - +£35.70
Earn by: Completing short tasks, such as visiting a website, voting in a contest, performing a survey etc.
Dull work, but I like to sign in once a day and clear through the gigs that pay a decent amount.
Search & click has some decent ones ($0.40 to Google a term, click the link and wait - you can usually skip the waiting part too…).
YouTube (likes/comments) pay pretty well too, as do some of the Twitter ones (follows/retweets). I use throwaway accounts for both.
There are also app download/review ones that pay pretty well. I don’t do them if they require an actual download, but there are some that you can get away with. You can download an older version of iTunes that lets you access the app store through your PC - very handy.
Ref | Non-ref
SerpClix - +£4.30 profit
Earn by: Searching for a key phrase on Google, clicking a webpage and waiting. You can leave the Firefox window open in the background while you do other things.
Discovered SerpClix late and only got 2-3 days out of it in January. It’s not going to make you rich, but it’s $1/day for very little effort. That’s $365/year.
I was worried it would send me to all sorts of weird places, but nothing too wild yet. Few weed sites, gambling, but nothing worse than that.
Ref | Non-ref
Stockimo - +£0 profit
Earn by: Uploading your photos and hoping somebody buys it.
Stockimo allows anyone to upload their smartphone photos to the Alamy stock images platform. If somebody buys your image, you get paid.
Probably a waste of time, but I spent half an hour uploading some of my better images. I’m sure one will sell in 4 years and I’ll get £2.44 for my efforts.
Rebatest - +£5 profit (and free headphones)
Earn by: Reviewing Amazon products.
One of many Amazon product review websites. You purchase an item from Amazon, provide a product review on Rebatest, leave an Amazon review, then they pay you the money back. You keep the item and get a £5 bonus after completing your first review too.
The website is awful. I had an application that would only show if I logged in through mobile. However, can confirm that they do pay up.
Still not entirely sure how I feel about Rebatest though. It’s a very long process (took 4 days to confirm order number). Also, if Amazon catches you and bans you from leaving reviews, you can’t cash out your refund. They take a 4% ‘PayPal’ fee too.
I’ll probably sell the headphones (cost £24, reckon I can get £15 for them on eBay/Shpock/elsewhere). Feels a little risky though and not sure it’s worth the stress or potential Amazon ban. Has this actually happened to anyone?
Ref | Non-ref
Survey sites - +£7 profit (pending)
Streetbees - +£4 profit - Like all survey sites, I don’t think Streetbees is really worth the time they take. However, this is my favourite out of the lot. It’s done through a nice app and surveys are structured like text message conversations.
Surveys are straightforward - the ones available at the moment are focused on shaving, pet food, sustainability, and food delivery apps. You’ll have to do some free surveys to unlock paid ones, which are worth between £1-3 each.
PopulusLive - +£3 profit - Haven’t been using this for very long but seems more reliable than sites like Swagbucks. Surveys are sent to your email address and promise at least £1/5 minutes of your time. I made £3 for a 10 minute survey. If you don’t qualify for a survey, you get entered into a monthly draw for £250 too.
Swagbucks - +£0 profit - Would’ve left this one off, but interested in other’s opinions. Swagbucks was a massive waste of time for me… Disqualified from 95% of the surveys and those that did pay were worth pennies. Gave up after an hour and probably about £0.20 in my account.
Trading212 - Was ready to hand over my info but was put off by that ‘must log in every three months’ clause… anyone have experience with this? How difficult is it to close your account after cashing out your free share?
Lionbridge - Worked with Appen previously. Decent pocket money… Application pending but doubt I’ll get anything at this point.
Money apps - Saving Skrill/XendPay/Verse for once I’ve ran out of other offers to take.
Matched betting - Similar to above. I’ve also got accounts with quite a few bookmakers already, so not sure how much I’d get out of it.
Around £220 in my pocket in my first month and a little more still pending. How’d I do?
Any recommendations/sites I’ve missed would be appreciated. I’ve definitely caught the bug and want to keep it up in February.
submitted by Papoose88 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Are you returning (or even new) to Neopets? Check Out This Guide!

Are you returning (or even new) to Neopets and have no idea what's going on? Well come right over to for a huge read on how to earn Neopoints, creating goals, account safety tips and more! A lot has changed, but a lot remains the same for our dear website!
Note: This guide is primarily going to be directed at Non-Premium players, so information about Premium will only be touched on lightly.
If there’s any clarification needed, feel free to PM, or ask on the subreddit / Discord! Shout out to aredshroom for letting me make a c/p'd update lol and also other friends to help read over. o/
Last Updated: 11/4/19

First: The Important Things

Getting back on your feet: Earning NPs

  1. Dailies, of course! Here are a couple listings from TDN's Dailies Page, JN's Custom Dailies, and also good old /~Neo____Zafara!
  2. Trudy's Surprise! It's a relatively new daily that gives you free NP. The amount increases until the 25th day, where any spin will net you 100k even if you don’t hit 3-in-a-row.
  3. Ghoul Catchers is a Neo-mobile app where you can earn 50k a day just by playing the 1st/2nd level 50x a day. Here's JN's Guide on how to download and play Ghoul Catchers on your mobile and web browser!
  4. Battledome (BD). I'll be mentioning the more relevant guides. JN IDB's Beginner's Guide to Battledome + /~SilverCyanide4, Faerie Ability guide, 1-Player Equipment Guide, STDEF Boost Table, and JN's BD Damage Calculator are useful links.
The reason to participate in the BD is that it gives you goodies like Tan/Red Codestones, Neocola Tokens, Armoured Neggs, and even Nerkmids (if premium) that you can sell for profit. Each time you beat an opponent, you’ll obtain something from the General pool, Dome pool, or Opponent pool until you hit the limit of 1500 NP + 15 items daily. Here’s a breakdown.
The General pool includes Tan/Red Codestones. The recommended starter opponent is the Kreludan Defender, who has an easy starting HP of 14, and drops relatively good items from his Dome + Opponent pool (Neocola tokens, Armoured Neggs, Genius Neggs). The other challenger that beginners frequent is the Chia Clown, who may drop Chocolate Ice Cream.
JN's Battlepedia has a listing of difficulty-specific prizes. With regards to the rate of certain Battledome drops, there is no correlation to difficulty aside from different item pools.
The only tip is to bet consistently - you may lose quite a bit, but in the long run it definitely pays out – and with older accounts you can earn a LOT when you win since you can bet more.
Keep in mind it's a long-term investment. Most people sell at 60 (+300% profit), but some hold for higher (100+). Neostocks is an informative Stock Market tracking site to see trending stocks and provides alerts if desired.
Newbie r79 items and below
10 days old r84 items and below
16 days old r89 items and below
1 month old r94 items and below
3+ months old No restrictions
For a more visual guide, here's a (tad dated, but still notable) guide at /~Briannea and JN's Shop Directory is great to start learning which items are good!

Creating NeoGoals

  • Browse around on Neocolours! Once you figure out the species/colour combinations you want for your pets, there are plenty of ways to get them. You can paint, morph, or adopt! Sometimes, we get lucky users here who run Faerie Fountain giveaways as well.
Tip: Always check if a particular Morphing Potion is cheaper than Paint Brushes. It can save you a lot of NP.
  • Maybe obtain a Secret Lab Map to try for a lab-exclusive colour, or perhaps to zap pound pets into interesting colours to help them get adopted out, or just for the sheer thrill of zapping?
  • Collecting Avatars! /~Avatiers has a really good visual list. Build up your stats first, and you could drop by the Avatar NeoBoards to (politely) ask for lends. JN's Avatar Checklist provides code for you to put on a petpage, so lenders can easily check what you're missing.
  • Aspiring for the best Gallery? There are a lot of items to catch up on. JN has a fantastic Item Database where you can search items!
  • Customisation? You’ll love Dress to Impress if you haven’t checked them out already.
  • Want to spruce up your userlookup with game trophies? Here's an awesome score tracker so you know what's a reasonable score needed for Bronze/SilveGold. Just click on the graphs in the rightmost column to view the score requirements for a trophy over the past few months.
  • Perhaps you just enjoy coding and beautifying your Lookups, Petpages and more? What about a Neo Portfolio? There are plenty of premade artists around, but I’ll let you roam since there are really too many styles and pages to list. Feel free to ask around though!
  • This is a non-exhaustive list, of course. Make up your own goals and have fun!

Account Recovery

Here’s an updated FAQ at /~Wispalings on what to do if you think you are frozen, and /~Sarika_ambrielle has all the details of what you should keep track of if you need to send in a recovery ticket. It's a good idea to backup your info in case you ever have to prove that an account belongs to you.
We have a revamped Lost Account Guide, to add to those petpages mentioned above!
The TL;DR for account recovery:
  • Check that your account still exists! Your account may have been purged if it’s been inactive for years. Go here:, replace USERNAME with your own. If it is indeed purged, you most likely will need to start on a new account.
  • Once you’ve verified that the account still exists, it’s all about figuring out details to prove that your account is yours, like your birthdate, linked email (and/or pass emails), NC/Premium purchase history, etc. Here's a NeoBoard post explaining what they want really.
  • The Ticket System is now located at their support address: [email protected].
  • General tips for getting a ticket response: Always be truthful and respectful. Give as much useful info about your situation/account as you're able, post on the "Highway to Help" thread located in the Help NeoBoard. Keep your ticket updated once per week to show TNT you're an active user waiting.

Basic Security

  • Go to your Account Preferences. Block everything you don't want, ALWAYS check the birthday login prompt, and I'd recommend Plain Text Neomail. That makes it so any scripts sent through NM won't run.
  • Similarly for your PIN Preferences. Set a PIN on ALL accounts (main/sides should all be pinned), preferably different/regularly changed, and keep no exceptions on where PIN is used. Check all the boxes.


  • Why is everything broken? I can't even see the map.
Have you enabled Flash for your browser? Here's a JN article on how to do so. You will probably need to reenable Flash every time you completely close out of your browser.
If it's not Flash related, then a long list of things can be found here.
No, TNT has announced that they are working on converting their Flash works to HTML5.
  • Is Premium worth it?
That is up to you to decide and how active you are going to be on this site to make the most out of it. There are incentives such as Super Shop Wizard (SSW), if you are a prominent restocker, Species Change Perk (once every 365 days upon first use) that allows you to obtain nearly every converted colored species (no Draiks and Krawks) including the rare Ice Bori, and more. Check out JN's Guide on that.
That's it! If you've read all this way, thank you for your time. I hope this helps some players. ^ ^
submitted by Fruit_Loopita to neopets [link] [comments]

MeWe: A trip report

Among the more frequently mentioned G+ alternatives at the Google+ Mass Migration community, and others, is MeWe with over 250 mentions. The site bills itself as "The Next-Gen Social Network" and the "anti-Facebook": "No Ads, No Political Bias, No Spyware. NO BS. It is headed by professed Libertarian CEO Mark Weinstein.
As the site reveals no public user-generated content to non-members, it's necessary to create an account in order to get a full impression. I thought I'd provide an overview based on recent explorations.
This report leads of with background on the company, though readers may find the report and analysis of specific groups on the site of interest.


Founder & CEO Mark Weinstein.
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Jonathan Wolfe (no longer with company).
Weinstein previously founded SuperFamily and SuperFriends, "at the turn of the millennium". Weinstein's MeWe biography lists articles published by The Mirror (UK), Huffington Post, USA Today, InfoSecurity Magazine, Dark Reading, and the Nation. His media appearances include MarketWatch, PBS, Fox News, and CNN. He's also the author of several personal-success books.
His Crunchbase bio is a repeat of the MeWe content.

Advisory Board

Ownership & Investment

MeWe is the dba of Sgrouples, a private for-profit early-stage venture company based in Los Angeles, though with a Mountain View HQ and mailing address, 11-50 employees, with $10m in funding over five rounds, and a $20m valuation as of 2016.
Sgrouples, Inc., dba MeWe Trust & Safety - Legal Policy c/o Fenwick West 801 California Street Mountain View, CA 94041
Crunchbase Profile.
Founded: 2012 (source)
Secured $1.2M in seed funding in 2014.
2016 valuation: $20m (source]
Despite the business address, the company claims to be based in Los Angeles County, California and is described by the Los Angeles Business Journal as a Culver City, CA, company.



In an August 6, 2018 Twitter post, Weinstein promotes MeWe writing:
Do you have friends still on Facebook? Share this link with them about Facebook wanting their banking information - tell them to move to MeWe now! No Ads. No Spyware. No Political Agenda. No Bias Algorithms. No Shadow Banning. No Facial Recognition.
MeWe provide several policy-related links on the site:
Highlights of these follow.


The privacy policy addresses:

Terms of Service

The ToS addresses:
Effective: November 6, 2018.


The FAQ addresses:


This emphasises that people are social cratures and private people by right. The service offers the power of self expression under an umbrella of safety. It notes that our innermost thoughts require privacy.
Under "We aspire...":
MeWe is here to empower and enrich your world. We challenge the status quo by making privacy, respect, and safety the foundations of an innovatively designed, easy-to-use social experience.
Totalling 182 words.

Privacy Bill of Rights

A ten-item statement of principles (possibly inspired by another document, it might appear):
  1. You own your personal information & content. It is explicitly not ours.
  2. You will never receive a targeted advertisement or 3rd party content based on what you do or say online. We think that's creepy.
  3. You see every post in timeline order from your friends, family & groups. We do not manipulate, filter, or change the order of your content or what you see.
  4. Permissions & privacy are your rights. You control them.
  5. You control who can access your content.
  6. You control what, if anything, others can see in member searches.
  7. Your privacy means we do not share your personal information with anyone.
  8. Your emojis are for you and your friends. We do not monitor or mine your data.
  9. Your face is your business. We do not use facial recognition technology.
  10. You have the right to delete your account and take your content with you at any time.


There are a few mentions of MeWe in the press, some listed on the company's website, others via web search.

Self-reported articles

The following articles are linked directly from MeWe's Press page:
The page also lists a "Privacy Revolution Required Reading" list of 20 articles all addressing Facebook privacy gaffes in the mainstream press (Wired, TechCrunch, Fortune, Gizmodo, The Guardian, etc.).
There are further self-reported mentions in several of the company's PR releases over the years.

Other mentions

A DuckDuckGo search produces several other press mentions, including:


This section is a basic rundown of the user-visible site technology.

Mobile Web

The site is not natively accessible from a mobile Web browser as it is overlayed with a promotion for the mobile application instead. Selecting "Desktop View" in most mobile browsers should allow browser-based access.

Mobile App

There are both Android and iOS apps for MeWe. I've used neither of these, though the App store entries note:
Crunchbase cites 209,220 mobile downloads over the past 30 days (via Apptopia), an 80.78% monthly growth rate, from Google Play.

Desktop Web

Either selecting "View Desktop" or navigating with a Desktop browser to your are presented with a registration screen, with the "About", "Privacy Bill of Rights", "MeWe Challenge", and a language selector across the top of the page. Information requested are first and last name, phone or email, and a password. Pseudonymous identities are permitted, though this isn't noted on the login screen. Returning members can use the "Member Log In" button.
The uMatrix Firefox extension reveals no third-party content: all page elements are served from,,, or (In subsequent browsing, you may find third-party plugins from, for example, YouTube, for videos, or Giphy, for animated GIFs.)
The web front-end is nginx. The site uses SSL v3, issued by DigiCert Inc. to Sgrouples, Inc.


The onboarding experience is stark. There is no default content presented. A set of unidentified icons spans the top of the screen, these turn out to be Home, Chats, Groups, Pages, and Events. New users have to, somehow, find groups or people to connect with, and there's little guidance as to how to do this.


Generally there is a three panel view, with left- and right-hand sidebars of largely navigational or status information, and a central panel with main content. There are also pop-up elements for chats, an omnipresent feature of the site.
Controls display labels on some devices and/or resolutions. Controls do not provide tooltips for navigational aid.


Among the touted features of MeWe are:


A key aspect of any social network is its community. Some of the available or ascertained information on this follows.


Weinstein claims a "million+ following inside" on Twitter.
The largest visible groups appear to have a maximum of around 15,000 members , for "Awesome gifs". "Clean Comedy" rates 13,350, and the largest open political groups, 11,000+ members.
This compares to Google+ which has a staggering, though Android-registrations-inflated 3.3 billion profiles, and 7.9 million communities, though the largest of these come in at under 10 million members. It's likely that MeWe's membership is on the whole more more active than Google+'s, where generally-visible posting activity was limited to just over 9% of all profiles, and the active user base was well under 1% of the total nominal population.

Active Users

MeWe do not publish active users (e.g., MUA / monthly active users) statistics.


MeWe is principally a group-oriented discussion site -- interactions take place either between individuals or within group contexts. Virtually all discovery is group-oriented. The selection and dynamics of groups on the site will likely strongly affect user experience, so exploring the available groups and their characteristics is of interest.
"MeWe has over 60,000 open groups" according to its FAQ.
The Open groups -- visible to any registered MeWe user, though not to the general public Web -- are browsable, though sections and topics must be expanded to view the contents: an overview isn't immediately accessible. We provide a taste here.
A selection of ten featured topics spans the top of the browser. As I view these, they are:
Specific groups may appear in multiple categories.
The top Groups within these topics have, variously, 15,482, 7,738, 15,482 (dupe), 7,745, 8,223, 8,220, 1,713, 9,527, 2,716, and 1,516 members. Listings scroll at length -- the Music topic has 234 Groups, ranging in size from 5 to 5,738 members, with a median of 59, mean of 311.4, and a 90%ile of 743.5.
Below this is a grid of topics, 122 in all, ranging from Activism to Wellness, and including among them. A selected sample of these topics, with top groups listed members in (parens), follows:
To be clear: whilst I've not included every topic, I've sampled a majority of them above, and listed not an arbitrary selection, but the top few Groups under each topic.

Google+ Groups

The Google Plus expats group seems the most active of these by far.

Political Groups

It's curious that MeWe make a specific point in their FAQ that:
At MeWe we have absolutely no political agenda and we have a very straightforward Terms of Service. MeWe is for all law-abiding people everywhere in the world, regardless of political, ethnic, religious, sexual, and other preferences.
There are 403 political groups on MeWe. I won't list them all here, but the first 100 or so give a pretty clear idea of flavour. Again, membership is in (parentheses). Note that half the total political Groups memberships are in the first 21 groups listed here, the first 6 are 25% of the total.
  1. Donald J. Trump 2016 - Present (11486)
  2. The Conservative's Hangout (8345)
  3. Qanon Follow The White Rabbit (5600)
  4. Drain The Swamp (4978)
  5. Libertarians (4528)
  6. United We Stand Trump2020 (4216)
  7. The Right To Self Defense (3757)
  8. Alternative Media (3711)
  9. Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Trump (3192)
  10. Bastket Of Deplorables4Trump! (3032)
  11. Return of the Republic (2509)
  12. Infowars Chat Room Unofficial (2159)
  13. Donald Trump Our President 2017-2025 (2033)
  14. Berners for Progress (1963)
  15. Sean Hannity Fans (1901)
  16. The American Conservative (1839)
  17. I Am The NRA (1704)
  18. Tucker Carlson Fox News (1645)
  19. We Love Donald Trump (1611)
  20. MAGA - Make America Great Again (1512)
  21. Q (1396)
  22. (1384)
  23. news from the front (1337)
  24. Basket of Deplorables (1317)
  25. Payton's Park Bench (1283)
  26. Convention of States (1282)
  27. Britons For Brexit (1186)
  28. MoJo 5.0 Radio (1180)
  29. MeWe Free Press (1119)
  30. The Constitutionally Elite (1110)
  31. Libertarian (1097)
  34. #WalkAway Campaign (894)
  35. ALEX JONES (877)
  36. The Lion Is Awake ! (854)
  37. We Support Donald Trump! (810)
  38. The Stratosphere Lounge (789)
  40. Official Tea Party USA (749)
  41. Mojo50 Jackholes (739)
  42. Yes Scotland (697)
  44. Judge Jeanine Pirro Fans (671)
  45. Anarcho-Capitalism (658)
  46. Ted Cruz for President (650)
  47. No Lapdog Media (647)
  48. Q Chatter (647)
  49. Daily Brexit (636)
  50. Tucker Carlson Fox News (601)
  51. The Trumps Storm Group (600)
  52. QAnon-Patriots WWG1WGA (598)
  53. 100% American (569)
  54. Ladies For Donald Trump (566)
  55. Deep State (560)
  56. In the Name of Liberty (557)
  57. Material Planet (555)
  58. WikiUnderground (555)
  59. Trump NRA Free Speech Patriots on MeWe etc (546)
  60. Magna Carta Group (520)
  61. Constitutional Conservatives (506)
  62. Question Everything (503)
  63. Conspiracy Research (500)
  64. Bill O'Reilly Fans (481)
  65. Conservative Misfit's (479)
  66. Canadian politics (478)
  67. Anarchism (464)
  69. Deplorable (450)
  70. Tampa Bay Trump Club (445)
  71. UK Politics (430)
  72. Bongino Fan Page (429)
  73. Radical Conservatives (429)
  75. The Deplorables (409)
  76. America's Freedom Fighters (401)
  77. Politically Incorrect & Proud (399)
  79. Political satire (383)
  80. RISE OF THE RIGHT (371)
  81. UK Sovereignty,Independence,Democracy -Everlasting (366)
  82. The Patriots Voting Coalition (359)
  83. End The Insanity (349)
  84. Coming American Civil War! (345)
  85. Constitutional Conservatives (343)
  86. United Nations Watch (342)
  87. A Revival Of The Critical Thinking Union (337)
  88. The New Libertarian (335)
  89. Libertarian Party (official ) (333)
  90. DDS United (Duterte Die-hard Supporters) (332)
  91. American Conservative Veterans (331)
  92. Anarchism/Agorism/Voluntaryism (328)
  93. America Needs Donald Trump (326)
  94. The UKIP Debating Society (321)
  95. Coalition For Trump (310)
  96. Egalitarianism (306)
  98. 2nd Amendment (287)
  99. Never Forget #SethRich (286)
  100. Green Party Supporters 2020 (283)
It seems there is relatively little representation from the left wing, or even the centre, of the political spectrum. A case-insensitive match for "liberal" turns up:
Mainstream political parties are little represented, though again, the balance seems skewed searching on "(democrat|republic|gop)":
The terms "left" and "right" provide a few matches, not all strictly political-axis aligned:
Socialism and Communism also warrant a few mentions:
And there are some references to green, laboulabor parties:


Whilst there may not be a political agenda, there does appear to be at least a slight political bias to the site. And a distinctive skew on many other topical subjects.
Those seeking new homes online may wish to take this into account.


submitted by dredmorbius to plexodus [link] [comments]

CryCash - CRC - The best adult investment in a childish economy?

Hi everyone,I think many early adopters are not seeing the business use case of the CryCash ecosystem and are focusing purely on the ‘player’ advantages that CRC offers. Or worst case just screaming 'prepaid dlc/skinz'.
I just wanted to give a break down of the CryCash ecosystem sticking to the facts and looking at the economy that this system provides to players and more importantly developers and the affiliate user acquisition market.
For those who are unsure, affiliate marketing is an economy of its own. Affiliate markerteers focus on selling other people's products in return for a commision. Typically in the gaming industry this is set up as a $value per new usedownload. reports that the cost of finding a user to install your app is $4.12 and this increases to $8.21 if you want them to create a user account, all the way up to $76.40 for a user that will spend money in game. Big business.
CryCash and Crytek
First thing to say, CRYCASH (CRC) is not Crytek. Crytek are a premium partner offering advice and a starting point for developing the CRC system into existing games. Crytek have had to streamline their business in recent times and there were reports of developers being unpaid for periods of time. However, this has no bearing on CRYCASH. The team at CRC have stated several times in the telegram group that they are already funded, the Plink app (more on that later) is already functional hence no softcap on the ICO and all coins not minted during the ICO (as hard cap was not reached) will be burned. Crytek themselves now seem stable and are working on the highly anticipated Hunt: Showdown.
One of the major selling points for the CRC system is USER ACQUISITION and Crytek are giving CryCash a great starting point from which to build and test through games such as Warface Turkey.
4,211,730 coins were sold during the ICO sale and CRC have stated that the total supply will be this amount +40% so unless they are doing their math a different way we should end up with a total supply of around 5,896,422 coins.
The ICO audit is still pending so these figures may change. For the purposes of this post we will just say the circulating supply will be 6,000,000 and any market cap predictions will be based on the price of CRC x 6,000,000. The circulating supply should be lower than this which is good news!
Current market cap on the basis of the ico price of 0.0001 ETH per CRC gives us 6,000,000 x $1 (roughly) = $6,000,000
The CryCash ecosystem
The team are combing the Plink app with a digital goods marketplace, advertising platform and an E-sports platform.
The whitepaper runs over some of the use cases and I have put some of the key ones in bold:
“For players this means:
Earn CRC tokens by completing tasks set by game developers and advertisers at Plink Pay with CRC tokens within Crytek products (for example Warface Turkey) Pay for products and services on the CRYENGINE Marketplace Pay for games, in-game items and trade with hard-to-get, rare and collectible items Team up with other players at Cybersport platform to create your own game tournaments or participate in third party challenges Make bets for e-sports events and win CRC tokens at Cybersport Betting Platform Make a cash-out to fiat money or pay within CRYCASH Ecosystem Enhanced security of each transaction with CRC tokens thanks to blockchain technology
For developers this means:
Gaining a critical mass of users quickly and cost-efficiently Getting an access to a new efficient and secure way of receiving payments from gamers Significantly reduced customer acquisition cost Increased customer lifetime Enhanced engagement of new users Possibility to use unique gamers targeting instruments (gaming activity, favourite time of playing, gaming experience, age, gender, location and etc) Increase in returns on per user basis due to in-game purchases High growth of LTV driven by gamers hunt for items and accomplish tasks from game developers for CRC tokens
You can see that there is a strong proposition for game developers to engage with the system and also creates a new method of user acquisition. Pay your new users to play and try the game. Keep people playing for longer by giving tangible rewards with real world value. This should raise the quality of each new user a great deal.
Team Talk
Lets overview some of the team members:
Wachtang Budagaschwili is the Chief Executive Office for CryCash. Formerly the Business Development Director for Visa: Europe, Middle East and Africa. The CEO has many years experience in payment processing, user acquisition and the gaming market.
Daniel Tamas is the Chief Technology Officer and is also the co-founder and CTO for Idea Studios. They have “reached more than 1 Billion gamers and more than 10 Billion ad impressions on both websites and ingame monetisation.”
Michael Levin is listed as the Chief Marketing Officer for CryCash. Why is this interesting? Michael Levin is also managing director for YeahMobi Europe. This is a mobile affiliate responsible for over 90,000,000 new user activations per month across more than 200 countries and regions. Fair to say that they have some expertise in monetising user acquisition!
Sally Shen operates as the CryCash Chief Business Development Officer. Sally is also CEO and co-founder of KOL MEDIA who in their own words “provide advantages for companies wishing to expand internationally by providing effective marketing and to create additional opportunities. We are a professional advertising company that prides ourselves in providing a one-stop overseas marketing solution. We bring clients' products from China to overseas market, while we also help clients from overseas to enter Asian(China included)market.” This means they have the expertise in place to take the platform to the lucrative Asian marketplace.
Why blockchain and what the token is used for
These questions are important when looking at any cryptocurrency to understand whether there is a viable use case for a coin or the blockchain behind it. In this case it is fairly straightforward.
Blockchain offers secure transactions for gamers and smart contracts that open up many safe possibilities for monetised competitive gaming, trading and betting.
The CRC token will be used for every part of the ecosystem and no more coins will ever be created.
The cryptocurrency allows the economy to sidestep the need for banks or credit cards which reduces cost and friction. It also has the added effect of allowing players in less developed areas of the world where banking services are limited or hard to obtain to participate by trading other coins to CRC.
The most important takeaway
CryCash is being built with a strong business use case in mind. Although there will be many benefits to gamers it is the revolution it brings to user acquisition that will draw game developers/publishers to the platform. CryCash offer an opportunity for them to spend less money, gain more control and transparency over advertising budgets and ultimately acquire more profitable gamers by using CRC as a reward mechanism.
We have moved from [pay $x for game] to [pay $x for game + $x for DLC] to [Freemium + $microtransactions] => now we will move to [get paid to play].
This gives game developers a way of cutting out expensive affiliates and taking control of their own marketing programs.
This kind of dopamine driven reward mechanism is already well documented. Now imagine Facebook paid you to be active, paid you to see some adverts.
Currently the most notable ‘cryptos for gamers’ are Gamecredits/Gnation (market cap around $200,000,000 with an all time high of over $400,000,000) and the more recent Enjin coin (market cap around $165,000,000 and an all time high around $365,000,000).
The gamecredits website states that the biggest advantages for developers are faster payments for games bought on the Gnation shop and what reads to be ‘blockchain cus blockchain’.
For games they state the main advantages are being able to buy items without entering credit card information and a vague promise that the Game token will go up in value over time.
They have recently announced a partnership with Unity engine, “to begin with, Unity development tools will implement a single-click solution for publishing games to GPlay, the GameCredits mobile gaming store”.
Not exactly thrilling.
The CryCash SDK will be open to anyone including games built using CryEngine, Unreal Engine and Unity3D etc
Price predictions
Easy 100x?
Lets review the income streams:
Advertising spends: $4.12 per install $8.21 per user account, $76.40 per user that will spend money in game.
Marketplace commissions: $17 billion spent on in game items
Esports commissions: $98 million dollars - however, this should be expected to grow exponentially once regular gamers are able to take part in e-sports where CRC can be staked.
Other stats: 2.2 billion gamers globally $108.9 billion in game revenues in 2017 Circa $7.5 billion on mobile app installs advertising spending just in USA
Using round numbers lets say developers will be spending around $15 per user (somewhere on the low side between an install and a paying user). CryCash will take 20% of this as a fee so around $3 per user on this low estimate.
$17 billion on ingame items across 2.2 billion gamers is around $8 per person. 20% of this is $1.60
$98 million in esports giveaways, I think it would be fair to x10 this figure as ‘E-sports’ should become much more accessible. If you are good at your favourite game, then earn money by betting on yourself or your team!
So 980 million across 2.2 billion games is around $0.45 per player. 20% of which is $0.09
Rounding all of that up you get $5 income per user (but remember users have more than 1 game so this revenue can be multiplied many times per user!) it could be double this if you then include commission on game sales if they offer the service.
So $5-10 per user multiplied by each game that is trying to get the attention of that user.
Clash of clans alone has around 100,000,000 users active each day and as mentioned, YeahMobi are responsible for 90,000,000 new users per month across various platforms.
Current CRC market cap - $6,000,000 Competitor current market cap - $200,000,000 Competitor high - $400,000,000
CryCash have a working product in Plink, strong gaming partners in Crytek and a team that completely understand the economics of gaming and payments. Given time this should surpass the competition easily. 100x isn’t actually a joke for this one.
Final note - no I don’t work for Crytek/CryCash, I’m not affiliated in anyway with them. Remember to do your own research. Most of these stats are in the whitepaper other than the link posted. Peace!
submitted by duocrypt to crycash [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I write Now I Know, a free trivia/interesting facts email newsletter which goes to nearly 90,000 people a day. Yesterday, I announced that it's being made into a book. AMAA!

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2013-08-02
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
Thanks for the interesting facts every day, Dan! How do you always come up with new ideas/amazing tidbits of information every week day without fail? Do you think it would ever dry up? Finding stuff isn't all that hard any more. I have 20-something pages of things saved in Instapaper, a bunch of other bookmarks, and readers send me things pretty much every day.
The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012. Now I Know?
You better get crackin then, I just discovered your newsletter and I want to be dazzled. ok
You got any... ummm... cat facts? Hotel which let you rent cats for the night... unfortunately, the new owners ended that.
The time the CIA wired a cat to be a spy
A French ritual where they burned live cats
How making cats glow green can help fight AIDS
That time when Garfield woke up to find that Odie and John were hallucinations, and he's actually screwed.
How's that? I won't send them via text message though.
We need a Now I Know dedicated to cat facts. I'll subscribe everyone to it. \ It's called reddit.
What about raccoon facts? Gives you phone-rabies.
Redditor for 7 years. Checks out. Why would a guy who writes about facts start with a lie?
Trust but verify. Very Wikipedia of you.
More Russian than Wiki. Now I know!
How do you feel about your content being reposted? Is it ok because it's spreading cool knowledge or are you upset that people don't get it directly from your email subscription which brings you money? Seriously, PLEASE POST THEM ALL THE TIME. Eventually, someone may point out where it came from or how they learned about it and more and more people will know about Now I Know. And more and more people get to learn the cool facts. And you get karma! I don't need the karma! Take it! The money, whatever, I'll make up for it in new subscribers. Don't worry about it, repost like crazy!
This is actually how I found out about you and I am now a subscriber, as is my dad! SEE!
Also: he's 34. Follow-up, thanks to your Neyer link: HOF or no? He's got a little Koufax in him, doesn't he? He'd get my vote, but they don't give me one.
Does this same logic apply to Chris Carpenter or do you think he makes another superhuman comeback? Screw the Cardinals.
How do you feel about the mets losing to the lowly Marlins? They always lose to the Marlins.
Do you ever visit /baseball, or whatever subreddit is for the mets? I'm a regular-ish in /baseball.
What were the reasons you began Now I Know in the first place? The second one I've answered elsewhere and for the third one, just look me up :) I write nights, weekends, and on the train to work. I wrote today's on the train ride on Wednesday, and had enough time left over to accidentally fall asleep. And my train isn't that long!
Do you have any worries that you will one day run out of facts to send out? 1) I had created a sports wiki-blog hybrid with a few friends in 2005 -- ArmchairGM, if you're interested, but it's long dead. A few years later, was working with some other guys on a sports email newsletter. My job on both was to grow readership/audience, and I did an OK job in the first but a terrrible job in the second. Email was really hard, and I wanted to beat it.
(If you don't mind me asking) What do you do for a living and, if its a demanding job, where do you find the time to research and write each article? 2) I think I could have a pretty big Twitter following (by the way, I'm @DanDotLewis) if I focused on something like strange facts or baseball or social media stuff, but I didn't want to focus, because that's not fun. But I like the idea of having an audience where I can share ideas, and I'm willing to work at something to create that. A bunch of stuff came together at the same time, and I realized that people were actually interested in this collection of interesting but generally useless facts that I seemed to gravitate toward. So I turned them into something.
I did see that you answered my second question here. I hope to hear when you reach 100,000 subscribers! I hope to get there!
Have you ever been so blown away by a story that you were sure it wasn't true until you did more research? But I have been in the other situation many, many times. The most notable was about a month ago. CS Monitor ran an article about the "world's last telegram" which was going to happen sometime in July, and a few other places picked up the story. That's fantastic, right?
Likewise, have you ever printed a story that later turned out to be false? If so, how did it happen? As far as I know, I've never printed something which turned up false.
Hey Dan. I write, a similar concept to yours. I started about 8 months before you but you've grown yours so much more; congratulations on your readership and the book deal, that's a ton of work! Cool.
You could almost have a separate snopes style "trivia debunking" site. Yeah but Snopes does a good job of that, other than the annoying popup ads.
Any thoughts on making it more mobile friendly? I definitely skip over reading them sometimes when I'm on my phone on my morning commute and I know I'm not the only one. Constantly. The problem is the ads. I need the ads to make this economically viable for me -- it's not and likely will never be a full-time job, but it has to make me something -- and that's what harms the mobile experience. I'm trying to get into subbable and seeing if I can crowdfund this, but I think that's a longshot.
For mobile: stack the content with no sidebar like below: Title Horizontal Ad (Leaderboard) Content Bonus Fact Horizontal Ad (Leaderboard) Extras Yeah, I need to look into this more. Thanks!
I'd have no problems paying $1 for the mobile app. This could offset the loss of ads. Maybe. I'd rather just make it mobile-friendly and go reader supported, like PBS/NPR model-y. Maybe one day I'll have the you-know-what to try that.
You may want to also think about creating an app. I've considered it. It'd have to do something different.
Hi, Dan. Thanks for making my inbox more enlightening every day. Unfortunately, I don't think I have a real favorite. I have a lot I didn't particularly like for one reason or another, and those end up often being some of the more popular ones, which just goes to show I have really poor taste ... or something.
What do you think is your most interesting Now I Know story? One that's forthcoming in the book. And no, that's not some ploy to get you to buy it :) I just remember, during the editing process, really liking how it read and what it was about, and I'm typically the type who HATES reading what I myself wrote.
Your whole AMA is a ploy to buy your book... Actually, it's to get you to subscribe to the email newsletter.
I completely fell for it. Hah.
Hey Dan! I love reading your emails every morning. Have you ever found facts that you've purposely not shared with the world because it's too disturbing or dangerous? Is there a limit to what you're willing to say? Not because it's too disturbing or dangerous (although honestly, I'm not all that interested in stuff like "how to make a bomb!" or whatever). But I've had to not talk about a few things involving sex and drugs because email spam filters kill those.
For example, there's this thing called Koro -- here's a Wikipedia entry -- where people freak out because they inexplicably begin to think that their penises are going to shrink and ultimately disappear. There's no way to write that without either using the word penis over and over again, or being really childish and using a ton of euphemisms for the word penis.
So I didn't publish it (or write it up, for that matter).
I would love a spinoff of NIK with factoids like this. I currently read your daily e-mail on my phone without any problems and always figured most of your revenue came from the Amazon affiliate links. Perhaps a 99¢ app where you could split your articles into categories and not have to worry about spam filters? Maybe. Spinoffs aren't really that good b/c I'd have to find the time.
You could use phallus. Eh.
Not that I begrudge you any time off for what is a free (and much appreciated) service, but why do you take all of the holidays off? I try to be apolitical, but I don't shy away from politics, if that makes sense. That's not why you read and honestly, that's not why I write. But the crazy part: they took opposite sides! One guy wrote to say that "apparently believing" is garbage, and there's no way Japan would have surrendered, and I shouldn't give lip service to such myths. The other guy was shocked that I'd accept that the Japanese weren't about to surrender, when they so obviously were. Sometimes, you can't win. 3) I take the holidays off because I need the occasional day off like anyone else, and it helps prevent me from burning out. It's easy to just have a blanket policy, too.
2) Just to avoid spam filters, as noted above. I've talked people who murder children. There's not much worse out there. I've talked ABOUT people who murder children (in the newsletter), not TO them. Like, this week, the world's worst loophole one.
How'd that happen? I know you are a lawyer - was this part of your work there? I was an employment lawyer, I didn't touch murder.
What can you tell me about horse-sized ducks? They surprisingly come out of pea-sized eggs.
And taste delicious.
Hi Dan! Love the daily facts, I start every morning off by reading your emails. Thanks! I answered this elsewhere, but I'll add something I forgot: I really, really like to write. A few nights ago, I was frustrated with this Bud Selig/A-Rod BS, and ended up writing about 3,000 words on why Selig's also to blame for all the steroid use. That's a lot of words.
My question is what was your main motivation for starting to write these daily essays? (And I may not even publish it.)
Thanks! (subscriber, here). Not to go too far afield, but, yes, drugs saved baseball after the strike. Also, Ted Turner is responsible for the tolerance of drug abuse in baseball - he let Pascual Perez (sp?) come back. Drugs totally saved baseball after the strike.
So, would you let likely steroid users in the HOF? What about Pete Rose and Joe Jackson? I'd put most likely steroid users in the Hall, yes. I would not put Rose or Shoeless Joe in.
I have been a subscriber for about a year and your opinion on Pete Rose nearly swayed me to unsubscribed. Consider yourself warned mister. Hah.
Do you get bored of having to provide something every day? Do you write them weeks in advance and then have a few weeks off? I don't get bored but I do burn out here and there. I don't write them far in advance at all, usually a day or two. Monday's isn't written yet and I haven't picked a topic.
Do you make your entire living from it? This is a side project -- I don't make anything close to a full-time salary from this.
Thanks for replying! Is there a sense of panic and of letting people down when you're not sure of the topic, or you're running late? Oh, terribly.
Thanks for sending out NIK - it reminds me that there's too much fascinating weirdness out there to get too caught up in any one special-interest niche, much less my own personal woes. What other general-interest blogs or newsletters would you recommend? Are there any that you think do a good job of covering things you wouldn't? I'm sure there are a few others I read so I may end up editing this one...
Excellent resources, Dan! I've been an avid reader over the years; I always look forward to your mails. Great work... I'm hoping your book is available as an ebook download! It will be! I'll announce when on the newsletter.
Has any of your research been frustrating? I run a trivia blog myself (to verify factoids from a trivia book) and sometimes finding information can be extremely frustrating. Nope. It's been great. Really.
I don't really right up little facts. I flesh out stories about facts which I've mostly already verified. So the research process just leads to more neat things to learn about. You know when you're reading through Wikipedia and you end up in one of those rabbit holes of neat stuff? That happens to me a few times a week, and when it does, I don't feel the "holy cow I wasted SO MUCH TIME!" regret, because I just turn that stuff into email newsletters. :)
How do you find the time to answer everyones emails? I know I have emailed you a few times and you get right back to me. Most of the stuff is trivial but you still manage it. Also what is the exact number of readers you have on the email now? As of right this moment, there are 89,764 subscribers.
Replying to emails isn't a big deal -- I only get about a dozen or two a day. Most people don't bother replying, perhaps because they don't think I will :)
How fast is that number growing, I think the end of last year you didnt have that many? It comes in bits and spurts. I've been higher -- just over 90,000 -- but 88k+ is relatively new.
How long did it take before your newsletter broke even? 1) It broke even basically overnight, because the costs are pretty low. My only expenses are my server (to handle traffic spikes) and the Mailchimp fees, which are reasonable.
Hi Dan. Do you ever get ideas for your newsletters from things on reddit? Oh yeah, definitely. Especially the comments.
what now I know would you like to do but can't for some reason? I'd like to be able to tie my shoes better but I can never get that to work right.
Watch this TED talk and consider your problem solved! Huh. Go TED.
Do you get people who argue with you over your facts? How often does that happen? Rarely, unless I make a mistake ("million" when I mean "billion" happens a lot) and then there's not much of an argument.
Hey Dan love reading your emails every day when i get to work. It's pretty much my prep routine for the day haha. Have you ever thought about going on Jepordy / tried out for some sort of trivia show with your vast knowledge of facts? I don't know all that much. It's "Now I Know" -- "I," not "You" -- because I just recently learned this stuff an am fascinated by what I've discovered. I'm decent at trivia but not Jeopardy! good.
Hi Dan, thanks for the great stories in my inbox every day! I went to the amazon site and it looked like your book is not available in electronic format--are you only publishing a paperback version? If so, why? The ebook is coming out in October and we are working on getting it available as a pre-order, too. I'll announce it on the newsletter when it's up.
Hey Dan, love reading your stuff. Which one of your facts took perhaps the most research? Something that was annoyingly difficult to find enough information for? The one I wrote Thursday -- the Bambeanos one -- was horrible. Couldn't find anything about it. It's as if the Internet didn't exist in 1975 or something.
Did you ever think this would become as popular as it did, let alone enough to write a book about it? Maybe? I hoped so.
When I started off, I created a spreadsheet. My goal was to get to 10,000 subscribers before I had 365 issues written, so I could say "hey, I have 10,000 subscribers and enough content for a Fact a Day calendar, let's make one!" That was motivating but not necessarily an expectation.
I'd still like to do that, too.
What's the extra A for? "Ask me Almost Anything." That was very common at one time.
Hi Dan! Love your newsletter -- it and Futility Closet are my favorite morning diversions. Thanks! Futility Closet is awesome and I'd love for him to mention my work -- I'm a fan of his and I like when that happens. Maybe one day.
My question: Your petition to keep Google Reader running earned more than 150,000 signatures, but ultimately failed to sway them. Now that all is said and done, how do you feel about the closure? Have you found a good replacement? And how has its absence affected the way you discover new content for NIK? I've found myself using RSS less and less, which kind of sucks. I have a few readers I've tried and I need to build a new habit, but haven't yet.
Hi Dan! If you were going to write a Now I Know about yourself, what would the fact be? I have a voluntary nystagmus, which would be a really interesting thing to show everyone, but I don't know how to let you see through my eyes.
Have any of the facts you've researched changed your worldview? Are you the absolute funnest person at parties? No, and definitely not. Dear god, you know that random fact guy at parties? He's the worst, and I'm like him on crack.
Thank you for your daily emails!! it is awesome to read something interesting everyday at my job. For the sake of the question... What did you have for breakfast??? Cereal. I'm boring today. I was going to make an egg white omelet but the morning got away from me.
Why should I care about your book, or that you're using reddit to promote it? Because I have children and they need toys.
Hi Dan, thanks for doing the AMA, and I always love the cool facts every morning! How many hours a week do you spend on research, writing, etc? What's the easiest part of the process? Each issue probably takes an hour, maybe two, all said and done. So let's say five to ten hours? And that doesn't include the dozens of hours I spend thinking about it and talking about it and that kind of stuff.
Hi Dan, my housemate runs a very popular trivia night here in Australia. Have you got a curly question I could throw at him? Or is there a couple of go to questions you would use if you were running a trivia night? What animal is quoted on the side of a standard Trivial Pursuit box?
Lol, what animal is quoted on the side of the Trivial Pursuit box? Here's the answer and proof, in the only way I can find it right now (I don't know where my old copy of Trivial Pursuit is). If you want the answer, clicky clicky.
Hi Dan! I've been following your newsletter for a couple of years now.. Major fan! I just wanted to ask if this is all you do for work, or is it still a side project of sorts? Side project. Took the day off from work today to do this, though.
When I first started getting your emails, I thought it was like getting a fun Mental Floss article every day. Have you ever done work for them in the past or any work for magazines? Mental Floss is great and yes, I've worked with them. They've republished some of my article on their website. I've done the same with Smithsonian, GOOD, and a few other places which are going to get upset with me for forgetting.
I have an article in this month's Reader's Digest.
I read your daily email every morning before work, love it man, its a part of my day. My question: What was your most significant redaction? Over time you've written so many articles, I'd have to imagine there was a major mistake either due to misinformation or miscalculation. There have been a few but none that really stand out. Last week I wrote "peddle" when I meant "pedal" which changed the meaning of a bunch of things, and that was a pretty big one.
How do you feel about all the redditors that take your essays and post them to TIL for some sweet sweet karma? I LOVE IT!, as explained when you click this link.
What is your favorite cookie? Monster.
Could you unsubscribe my girlfriend from your list? It was much better when she didn't know about it and I could pretend to have come up with your awesome facts myself. No, but I can screw with her copy.
Just kidding.
What was the reasoning behind your decision to not use a pseudonym for the newsletter? Have you experienced any ill consequence from that? What are you talking about? I'm really JK Rowling.
Seriously, though: Email is pretty intimate, and not in the Victoria's Secret way. You don't like it when strangers email you and you probably don't let friends/family read your email. It's a private, personal space reserved for real people. I'm a real person and I should respect that aspect, so I do by being me.
Plus it helps that I have a pretty common name and can always say "uh... must be some other Dan Lewis."
Hey Dan, Can you tell me the Number 1 tool (software or hardware) that enhances or promotes efficiency in your work? Instapaper.
Want an app? I can make you an app. Email me, dan.lewis gmail.
Dan! Huge fan. Thanks for everything you do! The personal emails you send every now and again thanking your subscribers are awesome. Thoughts on the SF Giants this year? Also, ever thought of making a trivia game? Decent team having an off-year. Happens. Impressed that Sabean didn't go full-Amaro and start buying when he shouldn't be.
I'd love to make a trivia game but it'd be easier to license one :-)
Thanks for Wheeler, by the way.
Huge fan, Dan! When did you start your mailing list? What inspired you to do so? Do you have any assistants? (Like Cecil does) thank you! June 22, 2010.
Long story, it's above a few places :)
I have a reader who edits most of them before they go out; otherwise I beg one of my brothers or a random friend on IM. I don't have an assistant and I don't have guest writers.
Great to see on your bio that you list Mets fan before lawyer or trivia buff. Do you think the Mets should have dealt Buck, Byrd, or Parnell at the deadline? If you were the GM, what offseason acquisition would you pursue most vigorously? I'm OK with the inaction on Byrd and in general -- here's why.
I'd have shopped Parnell (who I really like as a fan) heavily because relief pitchers are flighty and largely fungible. (You should see my OOTP teams.) Buck's not worth much so I didn't expect much there.
I think the Mets need to figure out the right side of the infield. 1B could be Ike, Duda, Flores... gotta pick one. If Flores can play second, where does that put Murphy? And then who is at first? And what about JV1 or EYJr, can either of them slot in at second?
I'd be unsurprised if Murph gets traded for a corner OF, they sign Shin-Soo Choo to play RF, Flores goes to 2B, Lagares sticks in CF, Ike gets non-tendered and Duda goes to first.
Bonus fact: Sandy Alderson and I went to the same barber before I moved.
Did you settle on the title of NIK fairly quickly or did it become an involved task? What were some of the other potential names you considered? Daily Brilliance, Daily Light Bulb, Daily Idea, Daily Neuron, New Neuron, Now You Know, Half the Battle, Just Got It, Got It, Ah Ha!, Just Found Out, I Just Found Out, This Just In, Now I Know, Now I Know That...
I ended up using Now I Know (obviously) and "That's Half the Battle!" as the subhead.
What sort of software do you use to write and collate your texts? Word? Directly into a CMS? Something special purpose? I write directly into Mailchimp's CMS, then copy it into a Google doc, send that to a reader who edits it for me, and put the edits back into Mailchimp. They I copy it into the Wordpress installation I have for the archives.
Hi Dan, thanks for the amazing facts that I read faithfully everyday! How, and why, did you start this newsletter? Do you have another job? A peeled orange sinks in water, an unpeeled one floats. And that's really neato.
Hey Dan, great newsletter! Do your colleagues and family know you do this newsletter? I mean to say, that how often does an acquaintance come up and say "hey, is this you?" Most all of them know, but rarely has anyone come up to me and asked if I'm the guy who writes the thing. Happened once, kind of.
Who's your baseball team? Wanna bet on a game at /CharitableBets? I got $10 says some team (I'm English, I know nothing of the sport) beats your team. Mets, and no, I don't bet on them because they're meh, and I don't bet against them because I love them.
I LOVE your newsletter! Sometimes I don't get to read them everyday and then have a little binge session to catch up. What's the weirdest way you've come across material for your articles? I learned about this one from the side of a truck. Really. Kenneth Cole had this delivery truck parked near my office and it had a paragraph of text on it, so I walked through traffic to read it and it turned out to be pretty interesting.
Wow, i didn't know about this! Thanks. BTW how much are those facts reliable? I cite my sources, don't make stuff up, and haven't gotten anything terribly wrong yet, so I'd say, very.
How much time do you spend on one email/fact in a day? About an hour or two. Sometimes much longer, but that's rare.
Thanks for your daily emails, I truly enjoy reading them before starting my day. Keep up the good work man! I guess my question is do you plan on doing any "series" emails of NIK? Like a week of facts about a certain lengthy subject? That would be pretty cool. I considered it early on and decided against it. Main reason is b/c a large part of the readership may not be interested in the topic, and that's five days in a row of non-interest.
What makes an interesting fact interesting? I have a good eye for it. Mostly surprise, as if it's fiction ... but of course, it's not.
What is your process to find/discover new interesting facts? The process at this point is to just be insatiably curious while reading stuff.
Did you have any idea of how big this thing would get? Did you ever think it would be this popular? Nope. And nope. But I hoped it would. Someone asked this above and I had thought/hoped I could turn it into a Fact a Day calendar.
I was a bit surprised when I received a response to my email I sent you, and we've had a bit of back and forth a couple times. It made me feel kinda famous by proxy, even if you haven't featured anything I've suggested. And feel free to email whenever!
Regarding the book, is it articles from the archives, entirely new content, or a bit of both? 50/50. Fifty stories from the archives, fifty which are new to the book. Same with the bonus facts, give or take.
Last updated: 2013-08-06 15:18 UTC
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